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555 Cigarettes

555 Cigarettes is a famous brand from the British American Tobacco Company. Not much is identified about this brand of cigarettes, only that very old silver styled pack of it was found in India. But now is sold in more than 50 countries all over the world. It is not verified but thought that, the 555 State Express cigarettes were named after a train, and Albert Levy, the man who named them, registered all the three-number combinations from 111 to 999 as trademarks. In Vietnam this cigarettes are on the peak of sales .Also the countries like China, Taiwan and Bangladesh sells this brand of cigarettes in a high number.

Smokers worldwide get pleasure from a gigantic collection of different brands of cigarettes to choose from. The finest cigarette brands such as State Express 555 are what are referred to as a Virginia blend cigarettes.

555 Cigarettes
Minimum amount of cartons 3
Price $ 54.70
Sold out
555 Lights
555 Lights Cigarettes
Minimum amount of cartons 2
Price $ 35.00
Sold out